Welcome Note

Welcome to the GHAMFIN Knowledge Hub!

You are warmly welcomed to the Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network (GHAMFIN) Knowledge Hub. This Knowledge Hub aggregates valuable information from various sources, along with internally generated content, for use by diverse stakeholders.

Microfinance Institutions often face challenges in sourcing information to support decision-making. Tools, templates, articles, books, training materials, and industry-specific information can be difficult to find, unavailable, or prohibitively expensive. Institutions may resort to search engines or internally built databases to access the necessary resources to guide their decisions for institutional improvement.

As part of its Member Services, and in collaboration with CapitalPlus Exchange Corporation (CapPlus) and funding from the Mastercard Foundation, GHAMFIN has developed this Knowledge Hub. This Knowledge  Hub serves as a repository of information to support the operations of its member institutions, other stakeholders, and the public.

For ease of use, the Knowledge Hub is organized under various thematic areas accessible from from the front page. The Knowledge Hub offers live search capabilities: GHAMFIN Database Search, and Page-Specific Search.

Please acknowledge the original owner of any material not created by GHAMFIN to ensure compliance with relevant copyright laws.

You can send your work to info@ghamfin.org for it to be published on the knowledge hub. 

Thank you.

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